Sunday, October 5, 2008

Exciting Weekend

Sorry, I didn't take out my camera this weekend. Friday night Zeeland East beat Zeeland West ~ 1st time in history! Go East!!!!!

Saturday, Kiersten had a soccer game, and her team won by a long shot, the other team never even scored ~ oh yeah we aren't supposed to keep score ~lol. At night we had a birthday party at Travis and Becky's new house for 2 of Jamie's sisters and his mom. The kids had a blast playing with grandpa, grandma, cousins, aunts, and uncles!

Today, Justin hit his first ever "official" Home run!!!! Wow it was so exciting. Jamie told him he would get him new golf clubs if he hit a home run, so it looks like we are going to have to save up some money for that. I haven't seen Justin smile so big in a long time ~ I thought his dimples were going to become permanent! You should have been there, granted I am sure his face will still light up whenever it is mentioned!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

How exciting! Go Justin!